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Original Marionettes, page-4

Original Puppets and marionettes are made of natural materials. Small and large puppets are controlled by threads, wire and a special cruciform rocker (lever). Each of them is a unique handmade work. Quantity is limited.

Would you be fond of owning a series of valuable items? Do you get aesthetic pleasure from looking at full sets of belongings? Are you a collector or would like to become one? Our limited edition marionettes are one of a kind that a true collector can’t miss owning. Princes and princesses, dames and cavaliers, fairy characters and animals are at your disposal for purchasing into your collection. Find your own set of dolls that will brighten your living room and your mood.

It is worth mentioning that collectable marionette puppets are limited for buying. Coming in a variety of sizes the dolls can be placed anywhere at home, or an office for joy and pleasure. Made of 100% natural materials, these collective pieces are a real eye candy. Real lace, fur, feathers and cloth were used to dress their majesties as befits the royalty. The real kings and queens would have envied the wonderful gowns and costumes that have been sewn handmade uniquely and individually for each persona. These high end marionettes are easily controlled using the threads.

The most demanding collectors will be happy to own pieces from this marionette collection. Starting from just 10 inches in size the characters are easy to find place at any household to store them. Celebrities and classical marionette characters will become a great addition to your home coziness. Purchase original marionettes from our store to set your unique style at home, or be the first to present an original gift for your special someone. Enjoy full collection set of Czech marionette dolls at your residence.


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Don Quijote marionette
Product code: RK087
Size: 19 inches
Optimist marionette
Product code: RK090
Size: 20 inches
Choleric marionette
Product code: RK091
Size: 20 inches
Elf marionette
Product code: RK093
Size: 10 inches
Elf Orlandelas marionette
Product code: RK095
Size: 12 inches
Clown Giggle marionette
Product code: RK096
Size: 18 inches
Cook Hardy marionette
Product code: RK097
Size: 18 inches
Cook Laurel marionette
Product code: RK098
Size: 18 inches
Clown Big Bean marionette
Product code: RK100
Size: 22 inches
Pinocchio girl marionette
Product code: RK101
Size: 13 inches
Schoolboy and Schoolgirl marionettes
Product code: RK102
Size: 10 inches
Schoolboy marionette
Product code: RK103
Size: 10 inches
Schoolgirl marionette
Product code: RK104
Size: 10 inches
La Muerte white marionette
Product code: RK105
Size: 17 inches
La Muerte red marionette
Product code: RK106
Size: 17 inches
La Muerte green marionette
Product code: RK107
Size: 17 inches
Wizard Warlock marionette
Product code: RK110
Size: 12 inches
Little devil marionette
Product code: RK111
Size: 10 inches


Ballerina marionette
Product code: HT028
Size: 14 inches
Pinocchio marionette
Product code: RK035
Size: 13 inches
Dragon marionette
Product code: RK034
Size: 22 inches
Pirate marionette
Product code: RK019
Size: 13 inches
Wolf marionette
Product code: HT009
Size: 14 inches
Girl with braids marionette
Product code: RK038
Size: 12 inches
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