Home :: Designer Puppets :: Rabbit marionette

Rabbit marionette , VK041

Rabbit marionette
Product code VK041
Manufacturer Others
Size 10 inches
Material wood
Mobility collectible, theatre
professional marionettes
Market price: $98.00
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Our price: $78.00

Rabbit marionette puppet for sale. It is designer work handmade by a Czech artist! The puppet is carved of lime wood using a classical technique. The puppet’s body is treated with beeswax and transparent oils, which reveals the structure of the wood and preserves the doll for a long time. That has a professional control mechanism, which allows you to use in professional theater performances and puppets show. The puppet-marionette may be used as a museum exhibit or to replenish collections also. The order to carry out and sent to you during 3 weeks after payment.

Dog foam puppet

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