Home :: Hand Puppets :: Set hand puppets Snow White

Set hand puppets Snow White, MYB22791E

Set hand puppets Snow White
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Product code MYB22791E
Manufacturer Mybrno
Size 12 inches
Material Textile
EAN 8590121509367
Mobility toy of 3 years, home, family,
special school, kindergartens
Market price: $86.00
save 12%
Our price: $76.00

Set of Snow White textile hand puppets Plush toy in a gift box: Snow White, Prince, Queen, Dwarf.

Pulled over the hand and operated with the help of fingers. Head and body made of plush textiles. Textile hand puppets with a soft head, suitable even for the smallest children 3+.

Used for playing in the family home theater and as an educational toy for children. Hand puppets for puppeteers, family puppet theater or souvenir.

Washable at 40°C. Handmade in the Czech Republic

Hand puppets for children with no age limit.

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