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Collectible Puppets Theatre "Dragon", MRT04

Collectible Puppets Theatre "Dragon"
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Product code MRT04
Manufacturer Ruzicka
Size 45 inches
Material wood, textile, cardboard
Mobility collectible, professional , rarity
Our price: $5480.00

"Dragon" collectible Puppetry Theater ✔ Marionettes Puppets theater for professional puppeteer and collectors for sale. The puppets theatre is handmade carved from wood for the collector or museum. The  wooden puppet theatre consists some sceneries and stage. The puppets theater is complete and ready for performance. You can, if you wish, complement the  theatre with other wood puppets marionettes and sceneries offered in our shop. The subject of scenes and side scene for theatre is possible to change or order other pictures.

The size of the theater is 40"x24"x24"

Sizes of marionettes puppets is 8"-15". 

The wooden puppets and marionettes for sale on the theater "Dragon", you can choose here: Designer puppets

Exclusive Gift! Original puppets theater buy, handwork by a Czech artist. Photos give only the overall presentation of the theater. However, the customer can submit their own proposal theater and dolls other list. The puppet theater is made to order and sent to your address at the latest 8-9 weeks after payment.

Bart marionette

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