Home :: Hand Puppets :: Eda the Elephant and Pepa the Monkey Hand Puppets

Eda the Elephant and Pepa the Monkey Hand Puppets, MYB20934A

Eda the Elephant and Pepa the Monkey Hand Puppets
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Product code MYB20934A
Manufacturer Mybrno
Size 14 inches
Material Textile
EAN 8590121209342
Mobility toy of 3 years, home, family,
special school, kindergartens
Our price: $68.00

Set Eda the Elephant and Pepa the Monkey Plush Toys Hand Puppets.

Pulled over the hand and operated with the help of fingers. Head and body made of plush textiles. Textile hand puppets with a soft head, suitable even for the smallest children 3+.

Used for playing in the family home theater and as an educational toy for children. Hand puppets for puppeteers, family puppet theater or souvenir.

Washable at 40°C. Handmade in the Czech Republic

Hand puppets for children with no age limit.